25 agosto 2008


Puesto que sentir es lo primero
quien preste alguna atención
a la sintaxis de la cosas
nunca te besará del todo;

ser del todo un tonto

mientras la Primavera está en el mundo

mi sangre aprueba,

y los besos son un destino mejor
que la sabiduría
señora lo juro por todas las flores. No llores
- el mejor gesto de mi cerebro es menos
que el parpadeo de tus pestañas que dice

somos el uno para el otro: entonces
ríe, recostada entre mis brazos
porque la vida no es un párrafo

Y la muerte pienso no es ningún paréntesis


Since feeling is first
who pays any attention
to the syntax of things
will never wholly kiss you;

wholly to be a fool

while Spring, is in the world

my blood approves,
and kisses are a better fate
than wisdom
lady i swear by all flowers. Don't cry
-the best gesture of my brain is less
than your eyelids' flutter which says

we are for each other: then
laugh, leaning back in my arms
for life's not a paragraph

And death i think is no parenthesis

Nunca es tarde para descubrir poetas..

2 comentarios:

Aura Antonia dijo...

somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond any experience,your eyes have their silence:in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me,or which i cannot touch because they are too near
your slightest look will easily unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers,you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens(touching skilfully,mysteriously)her first rose
or if your wish be to close me, i and my life will shut very beautifully ,suddenly,as when the heart of this flower imagines the snow carefully everywhere descending;nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals the power of your intense fragility:whose texture compels me with the color of its countries,rendering death and forever with each breathing
(i do not know what it is about you that closesand opens;only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands

Femme Fatale dijo...

No soy nada.
Nunca seré nada.
No quiero ser nada.
Aparte de eso, tengo en mí todos los sueños del mundo.